You belong here.

At their core, most psychological and behavioral issues are issues of perception and attention, rather than issues of insight and understanding. 

—Bessell van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

Implicit beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, feelings, intentions, memories, and images affect how you live and relate to your needs in either supportive or non-supportive ways.

Liberate yourself from chronic patterns by accessing and re-informing the unconscious material which shapes your present experiences and relationships.

Virtual psychotherapy integrating mindful somatic awareness and Nonviolent Communication

  • Attuned counseling for individuals

    1 hour weekly sessions


    sliding scale available

  • Supportive relationship counseling for couples

    75 minute weekly sessions


    sliding scale available

Companionship on your path

Drawing upon Hakomi therapy, Mindful Compassionate Dialogue, and Vipassana meditation, I will accompany you in studying your present moment felt experience through gentle and sustained focus of attention inward with non-judgmental awareness.

Your growth and healing will be supported by a therapeutic process which facilitates safety and trust. Organically shift old unhelpful patterns while also building on your unique strengths and innate resources.

Get in Touch

I welcome questions, and I look forward to connecting with you.


Unless otherwise noted in my voicemail or email, I will do my best to respond within 72 hours.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, contact 911 or the Multnomah County Crisis Line at (503) 988-4888.

Oregon 24/7 live crisis text line: text OREGON to 741741

List of Oregon crisis lines by county